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WAP Saturday sign-ins

3 hrPeak View Range (Range 2)

Service Description

10am Saturday, sign into the range here, find a buddy to witness you being there and list their FAL WAP official days are 10am-3pm Monday to Saturday (no Sunday), if using pistols outside of the group days on Saturdays then use the regular range booking system for Range 1 Unrestricted or Range 2, and just list your sign in buddy in the “any other details section” We also have a mobile app called “spaces by Wix” sign in there and it makes it even easier.

Next Sessions; View future sessions click book now

Cancellation Policy

Lessons: Cancellation with 48hours notice are okay, with less than 48hours notice a 50% refund is available on request unless rescheduling. Members: If you need to cancel your session, please message us via the chat or discord so we know you're not coming. Events: Usually 2 weeks, not transferable unless the transferee is next on the waitlist. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Targets reminder: Almost all 100m+ targets are rated for 30cal 3200fps MV (usually painted white), the multicoloured targets are for 22lr and subsonic centrefire (eg. 9mm and 300BO). High Impact Targets (338/50): on request only, these are hard on targets, donations are greatly appreciated.

Contact Details

  • 158A Lower Flowers Rd, Whangamoa 7071, New Zealand

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